Sarah Adel Bargal


Assistant Professor
IVC Provost's Distinguished Faculty Fellow
IVC Department of Computer Science
IVC Georgetown University

Research Interests
Computer Vision and Machine Learning

Office Location
Office 355, Saint Mary's Hall,
Department of Computer Science,
37th and O Streets NW, Washington DC, 20057

"Positivity makes you awesome, makes your team awesome; it is contagious :)" -- Sarah Adel Bargal

Current Research
Explainable AI
Neural-Backed Decision Trees
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Current Teaching
Deep Learning
CS 523
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Contact Info

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I am hiring PhD students: If you have some research experience in Computer Vision and Machine Learning and are interested in applying for a PhD student position in the Computer Science Department of Georgetown University, here is the application link. Feel free to send me an email if you would like to discuss research projects.


IVC   Sept, 2022: Our paper got accepted to @NeurIPS 2022!
IVC   Apr, 2022: Our paper got accepted to @HCII 2022!
IVC   Apr, 2022: Excited to be a panelist for “The Future of Intelligence” moderated by Kara Miller of the Boston Globe!
IVC   Mar, 2022: Two papers accepted @CVPR 2022!
IVC   Mar, 2022: Our paper got accepted @ICIAP 2022!
IVC   Feb, 2022: Our book chapter is accepted for the Springer Book xxAI - Beyond Explainable Artificial Intelligence !
IVC   Jan, 2022: Super excited to be co-directing AI4ALL once again this year at Boston University!
IVC   Jun, 2021: Keynote Speaker at CVPR 2021 workshop on: Fair, Data-Efficient and Trusted Computer Vision!
IVC   Mar, 2021: Invited to be a guest editor of a special issue for the Frontiers of Computer Vision Journal!
IVC   Jan, 2021: Our TPAMI, IJCV, and ICLR papers on explainability acccepted!
IVC   Sep, 2020: Invited to serve as NSF Panelist!
IVC   May, 2020: Invited to serve as a Technical Program Committee Member for the ICC AffectiCom Workshop!
IVC   Mar, 2020: Super-excited to co-direct AI4ALL again this summer @BU! Hiring Coordinators
IVC   Jan, 2020: Area Chair, WACV 2020.
IVC   Nov, 2019: Invited Speaker @US National Academy of Sciences Arab-American Frontiers Symposium.
IVC   Sep, 2019: Excited to start a new chapter at BU as a Research Assistant Professor!
IVC   Aug, 2019: Invited speaker @Workshop on the Foundations of Computational Science, Harvard University.
IVC   Jun, 2019: Super-excited to co-direct Boston University's AI4ALL program!
IVC   May, 2019: Boston University's PhD Hooding Ceremony Speaker!
IVC   May, 2019: Invited speaker @CSAIL, MIT.
IVC   May, 2019: Invited speaker @Google, Cambridge, MA.
IVC   Jan, 2019: Invited speaker @Geometric Analysis Approach to AI Workshop, Harvard University.
IVC   Jan, 2019: Invited speaker @College of Information and Computer Science, UMass Amherst.
IVC   Dec, 2018: Started a Postdoctoral Associate Position at IVC!
IVC   Nov, 2018: Successfully defended my PhD dissertation!
IVC   Oct, 2018: Enjoyed giving talks @TUFTS (CS Dept), @MIT Media Lab (MIC), and @Harvard (NECV)!
IVC   Aug, 2018: Super-excited to give the AI4ALL closing keynote @BU!
IVC   Jun, 2018: Featured in CVPR Daily!
IVC   Jun, 2018: Invited to present our work in the CVPR 2018 workshop Brave New Ideas for Video Understanding!
IVC   May, 2018: Published our latest work Excitation Dropout on arXiv!
IVC   Feb, 2018: Our CVPR submissions got accepted!
IVC   Feb, 2018: Successfully completed my Thesis Proposal Defense!
IVC   Dec, 2017: Moments in Time dataset released!
IVC   Nov, 2017: Our IJCV paper got accepted!
IVC   Aug, 2017: Invited to attend Rising Stars 2017 at Stanford University!
IVC   Aug, 2017: Our paper got accepted in ICCV'17!
IVC   Jun, 2017: Received a Hariri Graduate Fellowship!
IVC   Jun, 2017: Received a Grace Hopper Conference Student Scholarship!
IVC   Apr, 2017: Received the 2017 Outstanding Teaching Fellow Award!
IVC   Apr, 2017: Passed my PhD Oral Exam!
IVC   Mar, 2017: Received an IBM Ph.D. Fellowship!
IVC   Mar, 2017: Received the SIGMM student travel award to attend the 50 years celebration of the ACM Turing Award!
IVC   Jan, 2017: Joining IBM's Vision and Learning Group for a summer internship with Rogerio Feris!
IVC   Jan, 2017: Our paper on action recognition got accepted in the Journal of Pattern Recognition.
IVC   Jan, 2017: Excited to be a GWISE Representative for 2017 (Graduate Women in Science and Engineering), Boston University.
IVC   Jan, 2017: Giving a talk at the Computer Science and Engineering Department of the American University in Cairo!
IVC   Oct, 2016: Attending Grace Hopper 2016 Conference in October!
IVC   Jul, 2016: Emotion Recognition Challenge top-three finalists! Ranking TBA at ICMI.
IVC   Apr, 2016: We just released the BU-action Image Datasets.
IVC   Apr, 2016: We received the 2016 Office of Technology Development Award, Boston University.
IVC   Mar, 2016: Joining Microsoft Research for an internship this summer!
IVC   Feb, 2016: Passed the Image and Video Computing PhD Area Exam!
IVC   Feb, 2016: Attended Google's PhD Summit in Cambridge.
IVC   Jan, 2016: Invited to the CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop in San Diego, April 2016.
IVC   Dec, 2015: Gave a talk at Affectiva.
IVC   Sep, 2015: Student representative on the Graduate Academic Affairs Committee, Boston University.
IVC   Aug, 2015: Image and Video Computing Seminar Coordinator. Let us know if you would like to visit us and give a talk!
IVC   Mar, 2015: Gave an oral presentation at VISAPP 2015, Berlin.
IVC   Jul, 2014: We received the 2014 Social Entrepreneurship Award at TDRR, Boston University.
IVC   Apr, 2014: We received the 2014 Hariri Award for Transformative Computational Science Research, Boston University.


Simulated Adversarial Testing

[Paper, CVPR]  pdf
N. Ruiz, A. Kortylewski, W. Qiu, C. Xie, S. A. Bargal, A. Yuille, S. Sclaroff. "Simulated Adversarial Testing." CVPR, 2022.

Zero-Waste: Towards Automated Waste Recycling

[Paper, CVPR]  pdf  project page
D. Bashkirova, M. Abdelfattah, Z. Zhu, J. Akl, F. Alladkani, P. Hu, V. Ablavsky, B. Calli, S.A. Bargal, K. Saenko. "Zero-Waste: Towards Automated Waste Recycling." CVPR, 2022.

NBDT: Neural-Backed Decision Trees

[Paper, ICLR]  pdf  project page  code  demo
A. Wan, L. Dunlap*, D. Ho*, J. Yin, S. Lee, H. Jin, S. Petryk, S. A. Bargal, J. E. Gonzalez. "NBDT: Neural-Backed Decision Trees." ICLR, 2021.

Excitation Dropout: Encouraging Plasticity in Deep Neural Networks

[Paper, IJCV]  pdf
A. Zunino*, S. A. Bargal*, P. Morerio, J. Zhang, S. Sclaroff, V. Murino. "Excitation Dropout: Encouraging Plasticity in Deep Neural Networks." IJCV, 2021.

Guided Zoom: Questioning Network Evidence for Fine-grained Classification

[Paper, TPAMI]  pdf
S. A. Bargal*, A. Zunino*, V. Petsiuk, J. Zhang, K. Saenko, V. Murino, S. Sclaroff. "Guided Zoom: Questioning Network Evidence for Fine-grained Classification." TPAMI, 2021.

Explainable Deep Classification Models for Domain Generalization

[Paper, CVPRW]  pdf
A. Zunino*, S. A. Bargal*, R. Volpi, M. Sameki, J. Zhang, S. Sclaroff, V. Murino, K. Saenko. "Explainable Deep Classification Models for Domain Generalization." CVPRW, 2021.

Disrupting DeepFakes: Adversarial Attacks Against Conditional Image Translation Networks and Facial Manipulation Systems

[Paper, CVPRW]  pdf  code  video demo
N. Ruiz, S. A. Bargal, S. Sclaroff. "Disrupting DeepFakes: Adversarial Attacks Against Conditional Image Translation Networks and Facial Manipulation Systems." CVPRW, 2020.

DMCL: Distillation Multiple Choice Learning for Multimodal Action Recognition

[Paper, WACV]  pdf
N. C. Garcia, S. A. Bargal, V. Ablavsky, P. Morerio, V. Murino, S. Sclaroff. "DMCL: Distillation Multiple Choice Learning for Multimodal Action Recognition." WACV, 2020.

Moments in Time Dataset

[Paper, TPAMI]  pdf  Web page  Video Summary
M. Monfort, A. Andonian, B. Zhou, K. Ramakrishnan, S. A. Bargal, T. Yan, L. Brown, Q. Fan, D. Gutfruend, C. Vondrick, A. Oliva. "Moments in Time Dataset: one million videos for event understanding." TPAMI, 2019.

Multi-way Encoding for Robustness to Adversarial Attacks

[Paper, WACV]  pdf
D. Kim, S. A. Bargal, J. Zhang, S. Sclaroff. "Multi-way Encoding for Robustness to Adversarial Attacks." WACV, 2019.

Top-Down Spatiotemporal Saliency for Visual Grounding

[Paper, CVPR]  pdf  Demo  GitHub
S. A. Bargal*, A. Zunino*, D. Kim, J. Zhang, V. Murino, S. Sclaroff. "Excitation Backprop for RNNs."
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018.

Top-Down Spatial Saliency for Visual Grounding

[Paper, IJCV]  pdf
J. Zhang, S. A. Bargal, Z. Lin, J. Brandt, X. Shen, S. Sclaroff. "Top-Down Neural Attention by Excitation Backprop." International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2017.

Action Recognition & Deep Learning

[Paper, Journal PR]  pdf   Datasets
S. Ma, S. A. Bargal, J. Zhang, L. Sigal, S. Sclaroff. "Do Less and Achieve More: Training CNNs for Action Recognition Utilizing Action Images from the Web." Journal of Pattern Recognition (PR), 2017.

[Poster, Boston University's Graduate Research Symposium]  pdf
S. Ma, S. A. Bargal, J. Zhang, L. Sigal, S. Sclaroff. "Do Less and Achieve More: Training CNNs for Action Recognition Utilizing Action Images from the Web." Boston University's Graduate Research Symposium, April 2016.
Office of Technology Development Award.

Supervised Hashing

[Paper, TPAMI]  pdf
F. Cakir*, K. He*, S. A. Bargal, S. Sclaroff. "Hashing with Mutual Information." TPAMI, 2019.

[Paper, CVPR]  pdf
K. He, F. Cakir, S. A. Bargal, S. Sclaroff. "Hashing as Tie-Aware Learning to Rank." Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018.

[Paper, ICCV]  pdf  GitHub
F. Cakir*, K. He*, S. A. Bargal, S. Sclaroff. "MIHash: Online Hashing with Mutual Information." International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2017.

Online Supervised Hashing

[Paper, Journal CVIU]  pdf
F. Cakir, S. A. Bargal, S. Sclaroff. "Online Supervised Hashing." Computer Vision and Image Understanding Journal (CVIU), 2016.

[Paper, arXiv]  pdf
F. Cakir, S. A. Bargal, S. Sclaroff. "Online Supervised Hashing for Ever-Growing Datasets." arXiv, 2015.

Facial Emotion Recognition from Videos

[Paper, ICMI]  pdf  poster
S. A. Bargal, E. Barsoum, C. Canton Ferrer, C. Zhang. "Emotion Recognition in the Wild from Videos using Images." International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2016.
Top-three finalists for the EmotiW 2016 Competition. Ranking TBA at ICMI.


[Paper, VISAPP]  pdf
S. A. Bargal, A. Welles, C. R. Chan, S. Howes, S. Sclaroff, E. Ragan, C. Johnson, C. Gill. "Image-based Ear Biometric Smartphone App for Patient Identification in Field Settings." International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) , 2015.

[Poster, Boston University's Fifth Annual Networking Conference]  pdf
S. A. Bargal, A. Welles, C. R. Chan, S. Howes, E. Ragan, C. Johnson, C. Gill. "Project SEARCH: Scanning Ears for Child Health." Fifth annual networking conference by the Office of Technology Development at Boston University: Tech, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll (TDRR), July 2014.
Social Entrepreneurship Award.

Trajectory Analysis

[Poster, Boston University's Provost Scholars Day]  pdf
S. A. Bargal, M. Goodwin, S. Sclaroff. "A study of Spatial Exploration Patterns of Children." Boston University's Provost Scholars Day, March 2014.
Hariri Award for Transformative Computational Science Research.

[Poster, Computational Behavioral Science Annual Meeting]  pdf
S. A. Bargal, M. Goodwin, S. Sclaroff. "Quantitative Description of Child Trajectories." NSF Expeditions in Computing: Computational Behavioral Science Annual Meeting at Georgia Institute of Technology, Nov 2014.

Facial Expression Recognition from Images

[Paper, IPCV]  pdf
S. A. Bargal, R. el Kaliouby, A. Goneid, A. Nayfah. "Classification of Mouth Action Units using Local Binary Patterns." International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV) , 2: 956-961, 2012.

[Master's Thesis, The American University in Cairo]
S. A. Bargal, R. el Kaliouby, A. Goneid. "Classification of Mouth Action Units using Local Binary Patterns." Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), ISBN 978-3-659- 10663-7, 2012.


Boston University, Department of Computer Science

CS 523 - Deep Learning
CS 542 - Machine Learning
CS 440 - Artificial Intelligence
CS 995 - Directed Study: Computer Vision
CS 112 - Introduction to Computer Science II (Data Structures and Algorithms)
CS 480/680 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
Outstanding Teaching Fellow Award